Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I am in love. With TTV.

TTV stands for "Through the Viewfinder" and it reflects pictures taken through a Twin Lens Reflex Camera. I don't have one, so I'm applying the TTV in the Digital Darkroom. Here are samples on Flikr of TTV pics:

My Darling Photographer Friend, Kristen ( sent a link to a blog with a TERRIFIC IDEA!!

She is printing 9 Square Images - quite large size - and hanging them in a series on the wall. I know that it's been done before, yah yah yah. BUT, this time, I GET IT! Check it out here:

I am working on images to put in the Cabin - I want them to reflect our lives as it relates to the cabin - fishing, skiing, hiking, chilling, family, friends.

Here are the shots I've started with. I have a pile to pick from and haven't decided on the final 9 yet.

Don't you just love it???


Kristen June 22, 2009 at 8:35 PM  

LOVE LOVE LOVE even more!!!!!!!!!

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