Thursday, June 25, 2009

Rhubarb Time!

I made my first ever pie - from scratch!
It was a Rhubarb Strawberry Pie made from Mama Rita's recipe.
The Rhubarb was grown in my very own garden, which I'm very proud of :)

It was a deeeelicious pie! Although slightly jelly-textured, I am told that is correct for fruit pie.

Here's the perfect recipe:
Preheat to 325, then bake the pie crust for 10 minutes to pre-cook it.
Cook 4c Rhubarb with 1 cup water in a teflon, large frying pan until the water thickens.
Add 1/3 cup Tapioca
1 beaten egg
1 1/2 t. Cinnamon
1 1/2 cup Sugar
1 cup sliced Strawberries
Cook until thick, then pour into the pie crust.
Sprinkle the top with Brown Sugar, then bake until browned - about 35 - 45 minutes.

Cooking up the rhubarb, strawberry and pie-filling until it thickened up

Pre-cooking the crust so the pie filling doesn't over cook, while the crust can brown up

Filling in, brown sugar on top, ready to pop in the oven! Isn't it pretty??

Fresh out of the oven - if it's wiggly, put it back in for a while!

After setting up - it sunk back into the crust and was ever so delicious!

I took the pie to April & Jeff Andrews' for a dinner surprise. Last Summer, April made J a Rhubarb pie just for a treat - so sweet! I had to pay her back :)
Look what April made for dinner - homemade roast beef pot pies of course!
So cute, she put our name's letter on the top of each one!

This one was for Jeff - the Hubby of one year. Of course, he should have a heart on his!

My plate - mmmmmm good!
The Chef, who will ever be my culinary hero:


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