Saturday, May 23, 2009

Sweet Pits.

This morning, Ms. Carly was basking in the sun on the front porch. She was soooo cute just soaking it in, I had to go snap a couple pics of her.

My brother and sister-in-law adopted Carly from the Humane Society. She is a sweetheart!

Pit Bull's have a major stigma attached to them, and I think it's a bad wrap. I hear of a lot of folks who are afraid of rottweilers too, and their fear is just misplaced. It is definitely in the owner. I had two roommates during college that had Pits - Ziggy and Ruger. They were terrific dogs. Smart, funny, sociable, protective, loving, and absolute characters. They broke the ice for me with Pits and now I have a soft place in my heart for them.

Ms. Carly is no exception. She was a little wild when I met her last Summer. She had only been with them for a little over a month. She was wildly playing in the yard and ran towards me then leaped. While flying through the air, she took a jaw smacking snap right in front of my face. That took me back a little bit, for sure. I was nervous to introduce her to my Poodle this year, but she has mellowed out and settled in to home life. She is a doll...

I hope you enjoy these pics.


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