Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Flying Cowgirls!

The past week was spent travelling to Nampa, Idaho, and visiting with my oldest friend, Trish. I'm not sure exactly when we met, but it was somewhere between the ages of 8 & 11. We were BFFs until somewhere after high school and over the years, we've drifted, then come back together, then drifted, and come back together again. It's a wonderful mystery to me how years can go by, but a friendship can stay right where you left it. Don't ever think it's been too long since you talked to that old friend... just pick up the phone.

One of my all-time favorite quotes is "It takes a long time to grow an old friend." (there's nothing like 'em!)

Trish was putting on a Women's Timed Event at the Hungry Mosquito Arena, which was a BEAUTIFUL site for the event. There was grass for the spectators, a cook shack so we could feed our hungry bellies, and a great arena ready for a lottttta fun!

The Women at this event were all great competitors! They were all strong in each event, and had a great attitude with a lot of fun! I'll be posting some fun pictures from the weekend here over the next couple days.

Have you heard George Strait's new song about Cowgirls? Well, it could use a line in there somewhere about them flying off the backs of horses to tie down goats!! (sorry, George, I still love you...) These Cowgirls were totally awesome!

Look at them literally FLYING off their RUNNING horse!

These chicks make me proud!

"How good does a female athlete have to be before we just call her an athlete?"
- Unknown Author


Janna Widdifield May 20, 2009 at 9:21 AM  

This is such a great post. What awesome action shots!

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