Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Right now, I am inspired.

Spent this morning praying with a friend and resting in peace.

Talked to my mom and soaked up some of her love.

Talked to my sister and shared our excitement over photography. She gets to take the pictures I really want to take every day. She doesn't know how to edit, though, so she is sending them to me to edit. Can I call them mine then? She has horses and cattle and I need to go visit her to get my camera on... Her pictures knock my socks off and I want to fill my home and an art gallery with them.

Spent some time on Julie Harris' blog: - a Denver Photographer who has been inspiring me for years, and it just doesn't stop. I am always wondering how she gets the shots she does. Love her.

Getting ready to go see my Midwife, who is going to 'balance' me. Thank God for her.

Get to find out if we are having a boy or a girl soon, and just CAN NOT WAIIITTT!!

What is inspiring you?

I hope it is goodness and delight for your soul.

Here is one of my Sister's shots that rock my world. Hope you love it. Hope it inspires you.


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