Open the Door!
Last week, I did an architectural shoot of a home that has spent a little more than the last year being remodeled. Well, really - rebuilt. It is now an absolutely stunning and architecturally intelligent home. I loved it!
One of the special details they focused on was to save a number of the old doors in the home. Here you have this all new house, but still many old touches are there to remind you of the old home.
Gets me thinking about life and how we can truly always start over in our lives, rebuild our lives, remake it into what you want it to be, heck, even do just a little remodel of what's around us. I have had the joy of a new start in my life this year, and I am so grateful for the old hardware that's stuck around - family, old friends, faith, my work ethic.
A sweet friend of mine sent me a sign for my birthday. It reads, "Never get too busy making a living that you forget to make a life." She said she bought it for me sometime last winter when I was so busy making a living that my life was being crippled. Now, while I enjoy making a life, I am truly thankful for the new door that stood in front of me this spring. The door knob may have looked old and rusty, but the joy on the other side of the door has radically changed my life for the better.
May you also recognize when a new beginning is before you, may you choose to swing that door open wide, and may you soak up the joy of a that new season in your life.